Digital Forensics Foundation Investigators Course
The 3-day Digital Forensics – Foundation for Investigators course provides essential knowledge and practical skills for professionals involved in investigating digital incidents, cybercrimes, and data breaches. Whether you’re starting a career as a digital forensic investigator, cybersecurity analyst, or part of an incident response team, this course equips you with the skills to analyse digital evidence effectively.
Through hands-on exercises using free and open-source tools, the course allows students to develop a foundational understanding of how to conduct a methodical digital forensic investigation.
On the third day students will be engaged in a full day case study focused on data leakage, allowing the student to apply the skills learned throughout the course to solve a real-world scenario.
Who Should Attend:
The course is ideal for IT staff or members of an incident response team, cybersecurity analysts or people starting a career as a digital forensic investigator.
Must have successfully completed the Digital Forensics – Data Collection for First Responders Course.
This course will provide you with the forensic knowledge and skills necessary to be able to conduct a methodical investigation of various sources of electronic data.
1 日目
- Section 1 – Quick Recap
- デジタル証拠のためのグッドプラクティスガイドライン
- The 4 Principles of Digital Evidence
- 5 Stages of an Investigation
- Section 2 – Understanding Hard Drive Terminology
- 従来のハードドライブ
- SSD ハードドライブ
- ハードドライブ用語の理解
- Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI)
- GUID パーティションテーブル(GPT)
- Section 3 – File Systems & Data Storage
- NTFS File System
- データ保存
- メタデータの概要
- NTFS 暗号化
- Section 4 – Forensic Analysis Techniques
- 分析環境
- ケース準備
- Section 4 – Forensic Analysis Techniques (Continue)
- ファイル/フォルダの復元
- ファイル署名
- データカービング
- データ削減方法
- 是正エビデンス
- Section 5 – Windows Forensics Artefacts
- Windowsレジストリ
- USB フォレンジック
- 証拠源の特定
- インターネットの歴史
- プリフェッチファイル
- インストール済みソフトウェアの識別
- ボリュームシャドウコピー
- 実行中のプログラムの識別
- リンクファイル分析
- レジストリの検索
- イベントログ
- Section 6 – Case Study- Data Leakage Exercise
- Case Study – Data Leakage Exercise (Full Day)